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Town Clerk/Treasurer/Comptroller

Julie Neal serves as both Clerk-Treasurer and Comptroller. Clerk-Treasurer is an elected position while Town Council has appointed the clerk-treasurer to the position of Comptroller.

The Clerk-Treasurer is expected to, as defined in IC 36-5-6-6:

  • receive and care for all town money and pay the money out only on order of the town council,
  • keep accounts showing when and from what sources the clerk-treasurer has received town money and to whom the clerk-treasurer has paid out town money,
  • prescribe payroll and account forms for all town offices,
  • prescribe the manner in which creditors, officers, and employees shall be paid,
  • manage the finances and accounts of the town and make investments of town money,
  • prepare for the Town Council the budget estimates of miscellaneous revenue, financial statements, and the proposed tax rate,
  • maintain custody of the town seal and the records of the Town Council,
  • serve as clerk of the Town Council by attending its meetings and recording its proceedings.

The duties of the Comptroller include:

  • oversight of town utilities billing and records, and collection of town utilities’ monies,
  • supervision of the administration of town records’ requirements associated with approved grants,
  • working with Town Council and the Town Manager to facilitate cost-effective insurance programs for town employees and protection of town facilities
  • Phone(765) 489-6171
  • Address49 East College Street