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Story Archive

Please take some time to read our old stories posts. There have been many historic moments in Hagerstown's past that have been documented by a few generous volunteers from our community. Thanks for taking the time to learn more about our special little community.

August 20, 2014

Sister City Connection a Cause for Jubilation

Mike Keifer has some amazing observations to take back to Maryland after an action-packed visit to the only other Hagerstown in the United States. He certainly can tell how he was impressed by eating at the iconic Willie & Reds and how he was warmly greeted by hundreds of new brothers and sisters. He can  … Read more

August 11, 2014

A Tale of Two Hagerstowns

Call it the unique tale of two Hagerstowns. The towns in Maryland and Indiana share a lot more than the same name. Both are located near Interstate 70 and the Old National Road. Both have nearby DOT Foods plants and downtowns that are in stages of rebirth. Both have storied histories in pioneering and the  … Read more

January 24, 2013

The Volunteers Behind a Successful Community

There are those who wish to help others, and in doing so change lives, including their own. Volunteering is about giving back. Those who dedicate their time, energy and skills to a community work hard to improve the quality of life for those around them and to provide a meaningful and positive place to live. Residents  … Read more

August 22, 2012

Famous Restaurant Makes A Comeback

We discovered a lot about ourselves when Willie & Red’s – and a whole section of our historic downtown – faced destruction on June 23. We discovered that we have caring citizens and neighbors. We discovered that we have an exceptional volunteer fire department and extraordinary disaster preparedness. We discovered an unshakeable passion for our  … Read more

August 10, 2012

New Leaders

People are important here. That’s the mantra of Dr. Bill Doering in his new role as superintendent of Nettle Creek Schools. “It’s an honor to be a leader,” said the longtime educator. “They have placed a great responsibility for me in their children and their community. Leaders are important here. Therefore, it’s an extremely important  … Read more

Hagerstown on the Move

Hagerstown is on the move. A favorite cafe and a long-standing pharmacy move down a block. A charming inn makes its debut. A friendly couple takes charge of a famous candy factory. And a gun shop opens up on the outskirts of town. Yes, our town is on the move and we have the inside  … Read more

Jubilee Days – Celebration of the Town

It’s that time of year again. Natives and visitors of Hagerstown are gearing up for yet another weekend of Jubilee Days festivities. The Nettle Creek Lions Club will host this celebration August 16-18. The festivities will kick off on Thursday evening with the Hagerstown Rotary’s gyroscope contest and the Sight Queen Ice Cream Social. On  … Read more

November 1, 2011

Hagerstown’s creative use of EDIT Funds benefits a home grown business

HAGERSTOWN, Ind. — IronGate Creative has a stately, leisurely appearance from the outside. But, there’s a beehive of business activitity going on inside. It’s multimedia mecca on Main Street. Drawing tables and computer stations fill the upstairs rooms. Colorful framed creations line the walls and staircase. Award plaques and a huge conferencing table attest further  … Read more

May 2, 2011

Building a Legacy into a Future

Penny Wickes credits her early years growing up in a small town with helping to instill her strong work ethic and a willingness to listen to and learn from her elders. When Penny and Mike Wickes started their first business many years ago in Tennessee, there was a group of older businessmen who mentored young  … Read more

August 13, 2009

Council president sees the future through green-colored glasses

Hagerstown Town Council President Peggy Cenova has lived in this area virtually all of her life, and there’s no place she’d rather be. She spent her childhood in Greens Fork, and he and her husband Chris, have lived in Hagerstown for 26 years, raising a daughter and becoming deeply involved in the community. At age  … Read more