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Police Department

“To promote a safe and secure community through diligent enforcement, cooperation and service”

PROMOTE: To move forward, to encourage growth or development of

SAFE: Protected, sound

SECURE: Free from care, anxiety and fear

DILIGENT: Steady and constant in application

ENFORCEMENT: To compel, to impose upon

COOPERATION: To unite for a common effort

SERVICE: A department of public employment

Serving the community in order to protect it and contribute to quality of life are the main goals of HPD. We do this by enforcing laws, working to prevent crimes and maintaining order using the best tools available to us. We are very proud and fortunate to have two K9 officers that give us yet another way to keep our streets and schools safe.

Our most direct contribution to the youth of the community is a cooperative effort between the Nettle Creek School Corporation and HPD. A highly successful competitive archery club has been formed and continues to attract more and more participation by students.

Contact Information:

Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: 765-489-4711
Administrative Line: 765-489-4322
Fax: 65-489-5100
  • Phone(765) 489-6171
  • Address49 East College Street
    PO Box